Promoting Innovation

Innovation... a word, phrase, and model that many follow. Most commonly found in business models as slogans. Some that you may recognize such as, "Innovation that excites" (Nissan), or "Think Different" (Apple). 

Innovation, by standard definition, refers to the "act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods". If we reflect and think about the world we live in today, how society functions as a whole, and our relationships with past and present ideas either being theories, technologies, and even customs. One can start to understand the impact that the development and process of ideas have made throughout time. A process that allows us to build upon other ideas and in a sense revolutionize the way we think or use that initial idea. This allows us to strive and reach new milestones as new more complex ideas begin to surge.

By evaluating the eight values of expression, we can see that the creative process that promotes innovation starts by sharing ideas in any form of communication. This can be clearly seen as more and more companies take to the public either by creating special events to announce their next product or go straight to their audience on social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and more. Many do not realize it, but we have reached a stage in which it is a common practice for these companies to directly go to their customer base and actually take their feedback on what can be improved.

Now I am not saying that this is something new that has never been done before, but I am saying that it is a change that promotes the transaction of ideas between groups and individuals. There are numerous examples of how the input of the audience or customers has had a large impact on the outcome of a product or the development of the next iteration of technology and who knows what else may develop from this process in the future.  

This concept of creative freedom closely ties in with the ability of individual self-fulfillment. Being able to visualize a concept, idea, and even an aspiration and having the ability to act upon it is an important privilege to recognize as a right. I see that these two freedoms go hand to hand because once you have an idea you should have the ability to choose if you should act upon it or not, giving a reference to autonomy

When reflecting on these two freedoms of expression along with the others we being to see that The First Amendment is much more profound than we think. Yes, freedom of speech is important, but how do we utilize freedom of speech to the fullest extent? A question to reflect on especially in today's society. We have seen the shift to the digital age where anyone with a social media account can say anything and can have little to no impact or cause a new movement. We have gained access to new tools and knowing how to utilize them can determine the efficacy of our aspirations.
